Market update week 47


According to FranceAgriMer, there has been little progress on sowing in France over the past week. Delays are still significant. Wheat rose 4 percentage points to 71% complete. Winter barley rose 3 percentage points to 84% and durum wheat rose 6 percentage points to 21%. Maize harvest is nearing its end, with 97% of the crop harvested, compared to 94% last week.


According to FranceAgriMer, there has been little progress on sowing in France over the past week. Delays are still significant. Wheat rose 4 percentage points to 71% complete. Winter barley rose 3 percentage points to 84% and durum wheat rose 6 percentage points to 21%. Maize harvest is nearing its end, with 97% of the crop harvested, compared to 94% last week.

The US corn harvest had reached 93% of the planned acreage by 19 November (+5 percentage points since last week, less than expected), compared with 96% last year and 91% on a 5-year average. Harvest is progressing evenly in all major producing states. However, in Minnesota and Nebraska, harvest is still behind schedule compared to last year.


The US corn harvest had reached 93% of the planned acreage by 19 November (+5 percentage points since last week, less than expected), compared with 96% last year and 91% on a 5-year average. Harvest is progressing evenly in all major producing states. However, in Minnesota and Nebraska, harvest is still behind schedule compared to last year.


Ukraine has cooperatively launched an insurance programme to provide cover for grain ships departing from its ports. The move comes after a Russian missile recently struck a ship. The programme, worth $50 million, provides military risk insurance for ships, with the aim of facilitating access to cover for shipping goods from Ukraine by sea. Despite the ongoing conflict and security problems in the Black Sea region, ships continue to transport grain from Ukrainian ports.


Ukraine has cooperatively launched an insurance programme to provide cover for grain ships departing from its ports. The move comes after a Russian missile recently struck a ship. The programme, worth $50 million, provides military risk insurance for ships, with the aim of facilitating access to cover for shipping goods from Ukraine by sea. Despite the ongoing conflict and security problems in the Black Sea region, ships continue to transport grain from Ukrainian ports.